Enjoy a hiking day in the Folgefonna National Park with the stunning views of the mountains and the clear waters of Bondhus lake.

The clear turquoise water in the lake, gorgeous view, and magnificent glacier attract tourists nowadays and dating back to the 1800s.
Bondhusdalen is situated only one tunnel away from Odda. The area is a very popular hiking destination with a well-designated parking lot and an easily accessible trail. There is a 100 NOK (10 euro) parking fee.
From there to the lake, the path follows a river, surrounded by the enormous mountains of the National park. The duration of a round hike, more of a walk, is 2 hours (from P to the lake). If you want to walk around the lake, plan 2 hours more.
Arriving at the lake, you will be fascinated by the clear turquoise waters and breathtaking views. On the other side of the lake, on top of the mountain, you will see part of the Bondhusbreen Glacier.

Initially, the road wasn't built for tourists, from that same glacier, 200 years ago, the ice was extracted and transported on the nowadays hiking trail down to the villages and for export. In the 80s, the locals were giving boat tours on the lake for additional income.
The trail to the lake is accessible with strollers and wheelchairs. However, sturdy footwear is needed if you want to make an entire trip around the lake and under the glacier. When enjoying your walk, please do not forget that you are in nature and pick up all the trash after yourself. Additionally, the lake and river are clean water sources, so do not contaminate the waters in any way.

The Bondhusdalen valley is central in the Folgefonna National Park. On the 14th of May 2005, Queen Sonya opened the National park, in the exact place of the lake, you can see Her Majesty's signature on a rock next to the lake.